FeReSO, the FEBEG Reconciliation and Settlement Organisation was created as a private foundation on 16th October 2010.
FeReSO acts as the joint appointee on behalf of the energy suppliers and distribution grid operators in executing the financial reconciliation for the Belgian gas and electricity market.
All FeReSO’s tasks and competences are determined in the ‘Financial Reconciliation Contract’ for gas and electricity with regards to distribution in Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia. This contract came into force on 21st October 2010, and has been extended to the reconciliation volume year 2020.
Up to date, more than 100 organisations have entered into this agreement.
Reconciliation is a process which follows the allocation process. The objective is to compare the volume that has been assigned to a supplier during the allocation process with the actual consumption. This comparison is made based on the meter readings from the end consumer (in general collected once a year). This difference is used to settle the final energy consumption correctly between suppliers.
Volume reconciliation
Reconciliation is a volume correction per supplier, calculated over a period of one calendar month. By means of the reconciliation process, suppliers get ‘assigned’ ultimately the energy volumes as read on their customers’ meters.
The market parties have agreed to implement a common model for the reconciliation volume calculation for the three regions. The principles of the new volume process are described in a UMIR document(link is external), approved by the market parties and the respective regional regulators.
Central facilitator
As a central settlement facilitator, FeReSO is responsible for the operational framework of the financial reconciliation. The activities of FeReSO are defined and controlled by the Management committee, with membership consisting of all energy suppliers and grid operators.
The main operational activities of FeReSO are:
The execution of the calculations and assignments of the settlement positions;
The management of the parties involved in the settlement process;
The calculation and communication of the reconciliation prices;
The preparation of the trimestral financial settlement;
The management of the payments of the debtors and creditors;
The creation of invoices to the debtors;
The follow-up of the incoming invoices of the creditors;
The preparation and chairing of the Management Committee;
The management and settlement of a credit line;
The reply to ad hoc questions on the financial process;
The cont(r)acting of new market parties;
Koningsstraat 146 1000 Brussel
Katharina Bonte Director FeReSO Koningsstraat 146 -1000 Brussels Belgium Phone: +32/(0)2.500.85.85 Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gunter Walmagh Consultant FeReSO Koningsstraat 146 -1000 Brussels Belgium Phone: +32/(0)2.500.85.85 Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.